Stay Present through the Election

On the night of the last presidential election I taught yoga to a small group and laughed as we talked about the celebration we would be having later that night.  I imagined clinking glasses with friends as we toasted the first woman president.

The next morning I taught another yoga class to a small group of women dressed all in black who stared at me with shock in their eyes.   We hugged each other and mostly said, “WTF” a lot. 

As the teacher, I hoped for some words that might support us in dealing with the news.  But I found myself at a bit of a loss.  I wondered: what could I possibly say that would be helpful? It was one of the hardest teaching days of my life.

I feel a similar loss for words now as I prepare my yoga classes for the week of the election.  


There’s a lot on the line with this election, so going into this weekend and next week it will be easy to be energetically consumed by it.  Healthy engagement in our political process is a good thing.  But with social media drama and fights between neighbors it’s very easy to go beyond healthy engagement into worry, stress, anxiety, anger, and fear.  

When those emotions are in charge, you won’t be able to concentrate or make conscious decisions.  That’s because they’re coming from mental contraction and unconsciousness.   

You will get stuck in unconsciousness, unless you actively choose to become more conscious.  The good news is you can choose to be more conscious. And, it’s easier than you think.

Out of all the coaching tricks, meditation supports, mantras, and yoga philosophy nuggets I’ve learned, I find that the simplest way to become more conscious in any moment- is to breathe and move.


Breath sustains life.  When you take a conscious breath you clear mental cobwebs and become more present.  When you exhale fully you release negativity, fear, and anything else that is making you feel stuck. You can only breathe right now, you can’t breathe for tomorrow or for last week. That means that when you become aware of your breath, you center your mind in the present moment.

Rhythmic movement, like walking or running, calms and regulates your nervous system.  Focused movement, like precisely aligning your body in a yoga pose, brings your attention from your head down into your body.  You want a calm nervous system, and attention settled in your body, not your mind.

When you’re in your body, you’re more conscious.  You are more present to the moment that is right in front of you.  And you make conscious decisions.

Breathing and moving take you out of your head and into your body. They bring you into the present moment.  They guide you from unconsciousness and contraction into consciousness and expansion.  That’s how you’ll step away from negativity and anxiety into moments of peace during the election process.  


Here’s a very simple way to breathe and move

  • Take a conscious breath right now

  • Blow out through your mouth as if you’re blowing out candles

  • Feel the sensations of the air as it comes in and goes out

  • Repeat 2 or 3 times

Do you feel more clear and present?

Now add some movement:

  • Start with the simple conscious breaths

  • Move with your breaths in a way that feels good

  • Shake your arms or bend your body in rhythm with every breath

Do you feel more alive in your body? Less caught in your mind?

Notice how much more conscious and open you feel after doing this little exercise. It doesn’t take much. Now imagine how clear, settled and peaceful you’d feel if you took an hour to breathe and move today.  


We need conscious people in this country as we navigate election week.  Choose to be as conscious as you can and commit to breathing and moving until you feel settled in yourself.  

I can’t predict what will happen. I can’t possibly know what you will need to hear this week. But, I do know that if you consciously breathe and move you will be better able to meet whatever happens with more peace and presence.

Want to breathe and move with me? Here’s a simple, beginner friendly practice of stretching and moving designed to open up more room for your breath. Enjoy!


In Uncertain Times


Turn Your Magic On